Oil spills at sea: can bacteria be the solution? 13 March, Rome Imagine oil spills completely cleaned up by tiny “warrior” organisms who attack and break down the oil soon after a marine accident. It may look like a science fiction movie, but it actually happens in nature! Italian seas are constantly at risk of […]

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Under “Policy mobilization” plan of activities,  MARINA partners are organizing discussion groups named “Knowledge Sharing Platform Dialogues” (KSPD) aiming at identifying approaches and practices for ensuring a proper inclusion of societal challenges into the research and innovation policy and processes, setting up an interaction between policymakers, scientists and the general public. We asked national and international […]

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 Abbiamo chiesto ai responsabili di politiche nazionali e internazionali di tutta Europa di identificare, se esistono, i principali ostacoli all’inclusione delle sfide sociali nei processi di ricerca e innovazione.Leggi il primo post dell’evento sottostante e inizia la discussione dandoci la tua opinione su quali azioni potrebbero essere intraprese, secondo te, per superare la barriera selezionata. […]

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4th April 2017 Sustainable Maritime and Coastal Tourism, Sea Pressures and Responsible Research and InnovationIl turismo marittimo e costiero sostenibile, le pressioni esercitate sull’ambiente marino e la ‘Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabile’LIVE STREAMING AVAILABLE ON THIS PAGE The extraordinary beauty and cultural wealth of EU’s coastal areas have made them the preferred destination for many holidaymakers from Europe […]

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