Black Sea – an inexhaustible source of energy? MARINA Workshop in Bucharest

2018-03-09 All day

Black Sea - an inexhaustible source of energy? How to tip the balance towards renewable energy? Bucharest, 9 March 

Marea Neagra – o sursa inepuizabila de energie!? Cum putem inclina balanta in favoarea energiei regenerabile? What actions are needed for developing the renewable energy sector (wind, waves, biomass, etc.) in order to ensure a sustainable management of natural resources? black-sea
license: public domain
You want to use your creative mind to develop solutions that best serve individual citizens, your local community and the European society at large. You want to make sure that your needs and expectations are taken into account when local, national and European decisions and innovations are being developed. GET STARTED! FOLLOW OUR WORKSHOP AND SHARE YOUR IDEAS ONLINE The workshop is organised according to the World Café method by GeoEcoMar. It will involve citizens, scientists, business representatives, entrepreneurs, local authorities and policy makers in an open dialogue. Together, you will define a common vision and a roadmap of solutions and actions to face this challenge. The results, together with the outcomes of the other MARINA workshops in Europe, will be freely accessible on the MARINA Web Knowledge Sharing Platform, used for identifying lessons learned and best practices and disseminated at European policy conferences. Location: GeoEcoMar, 23-25 Dimitrie Onciul Street, RO-024053, Bucharest, Romania