18th January 2017

To adapt and survive or to die. How to maintain and enhance the quality of the Black Sea NW coastal ecosystems under the pressures of climate change and human interventions.

Adaptare si supravietuire sau moarte. Cum sa mentinem si sa dezvoltam calitatea ecosistemelor costiere din NW Marii Negre, aflate sub presiunea modificarilor climatice si a interventiilor umane.

The Black Sea has been recognized as a natural laboratory for studying various effects of climate change and anthropogenic drivers and pressures over the last decades. Climate change and variation could affect all components of marine and coastal ecosystems, including habitats, benthos, plankton, fish, mammals, seabirds, and the presence of non‐native species. Such effects have implications for physiological responses, biogeochemical processes, and higher trophic groups, with repercussion for overall ecosystem biodiversity and function. Sea level rise and impacts of storms along the sandy beaches have a major impact foreseen on the evolution of the Romanian beaches. Coastal protection and restoration plans must take into account long term scenarios due to climate change – and try to involve Green solutions for the protection and reconstruction of the coast. The state of the Black Sea environment was almost destroyed about two decades ago; there has been a slow recovery due to the bankruptcy of the previous economic system. The required methods to assess, model, understand and forecast are cross-cutting and interdisciplinary – and regard not only the local population but all Romania and the whole Danube Region. The new development must take into account means to protect the coastal – marine resources by applying an integrated management.


Copyright: A-Teaca

What are the measures to take and the knowledge gaps to fill in order to improve the quality of the Black Sea NW coastal ecosystems under the pressures of climate change and human interventions?

You want to use your creative mind to develop solutions that best serve individual citizens, your local community and the European society at large. You want to make sure that your needs and expectations are taken into account when local, national and European decisions and innovations are being developed.


The workshop is organised by INCD GeoEcoMar, National Research and Development Institute for Marine Geology and Geoecology. It will involve citizens, scientists, business representatives, entrepreneurs, local authorities and policy makers in an open dialogue. Together, you will define a common vision and a roadmap of solutions and actions to face this challenge. The results, together with the outcomes of the other MARINA workshops in Europe, will be freely accessible on the MARINA Web Knowledge Sharing Platform, used for identifying lessons learned and best practices and disseminated at European policy conferences.

2017-01-18 09:00 - 17:00

39B-41, Mircea cel Batran Str.,

Constanta, Romania